Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Peachy!

*He* likes all pies involving fruit. *I* like making all desserts that don't require me working with pie crust.  I had to give it up for him today though...he put in our new sink and faucet yesterday and it was no simple task (we are finding that replacing anything builder installed never is- who glues a sink down?!?), I just embarked on my first peach pie.  This isn't going to work out so well with me with the Lose It app today, because of course I have to try it!  Add in that veggie boy brought home some smashed up but not yet stale cupcakes I had sent with him to my sister's...what to do?  Trash them?  Nope.  Make a vanilla Greek yogurt based frozen concoction?  I think yes.  I will do what I did with the raspberry over the weekend, just using vanilla yogurt and extract, and at the end I will throw in the smashy cupcakes...and it will either suck, or I will be a genious!  Also not helping is that Wegman's sells a 2 pack of these big ol rectangular pizza crusts- YUM!  Of course we have to try those too (my one "not on my list" purchase but a good one!), so my calories for the day are pretty much shot to hell...luckily I had some saved, but these are all food delights guaranteed to keep my curves curvy and my thighs doughy! This is my pie- hope it tastes as good as it looks!

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