On this particular date I take this word so differently. Undertow means "an implicit quality, emotion, or influence underlying the superficial aspects of something and leaving a particular impression" according to dictionary.com. October 24, 1987, I lost someone close to our family, and it was the night I grew up immediately. I don't know why it is not only something I never got over, but is also one of two things that can bring me to tears out of nowhere. I feel it and see it so deeply...the people, the weather, the call...knew down to the day when my own daughter had outlived her and was grateful she did; I cannot fathom how her parents not only went on but have endured over the years. 27 years later, feels like last year sometimes. For the longest time I would have dreams that I found her, she was just lost and no one knew it, and I would bring her home. I still would do anything to be able to take away the pain and loss of that night, and wonder what life would have been like for myself, her family, my family and our friends if that night hadn't happened.
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