What would you do for your child? Just watched this movie and it was a good one...makes you think about what role we as the adult have in making those connections with our teenagers before it is too late...meeting them where they are at. It is something I believe in, and something I have witnessed the past year or so as *he* struggled with the high school senior son who was perpetually busy with work, girls, friends, school...namely teenage life. *He* was also dealing with some things personally and as a couple with me. All a challenge as the non-custodial parent. It took some coaching to help him see that he needed to meet his son halfway, instead of getting upset that he couldn'teasily have him all day on a Sunday anymore. What resulted has been the growth of a man to man friendship this year...a father and son but also two men getting to know each other on a new level. Now they both plan for a dinner date 2-3 times per month,sometimes alone, sometimes with me, sometimes with friends, and while we still have family time this new thing that is theirs has solidified their relationship as he prepares to leave for college in two months, and has helped dad realize he is still dad, and perhaps his son has had the chance to see just what he will continue to do in order to be there for him through every stage of his life.
All of us parents need to stop and ask ourselves every now and then if we are reaching our kids and just being there for them, where they are...not necessarily where we wish they were. One day they won't be egocentric teens anymore and they will look back and remember all that wewere for them.
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