Saturday, February 22, 2014

"A Room of One's Own"~ Day 22, Month 2

Ok, so it was only our own room for four nights, but it was beautiful...a bit ostentatious but compliments of his employer for a job well done for their team, so who are we to say no?  In my dream world we would have a little balcony off of the bedroom, with a bed to lay on with complete privacy...oh and you might notice wine paid for as well.  It is the antithesis of the types of places we travel together, we tend to be more a la carte than all inclusive.  With the exception of a slight mudslide incident (ok, he might beg to differ and think of it more as The Great Mudslide Incident of 2012...) it was good food with a great guy, and now if we ever went again we know more what to expect in a place like this.  Our best time was still probably when we overpaid for a cab to the shabbier (aka the not resort) part of town and found a little outdoor dive bar and just walked around solo...much more our style and who knows, maybe next time a room of our own in that part of town.

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