Saturday, September 6, 2014

"To Love Is"- Day 5 learn to meet each child where they are at so that their needs are met but you don't go crazy, even when you feel like you might. To go to work to support them while feeling you should be home taking better care of housekeeping & errands. To find interest in topics that engage them in what they want to talk about, and having more than surface level interest, as they know. To accept that two hours can be better than a week sometimes. To find a way to say "yes" as often as possible, in a way that makes their lives easier, not spoiled. To feel satisfaction from serving a home cooked meal, not a fancy one, knowing all they see is you took care of them. It is being there, being present, being open, putting them first  every chance you can. To be a mom is to love. xxooxxoo

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