Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 25- "Ochre"

the ochre rose...symbolic of friendship

"Wistful"- Day 24

The days when I could scoop her up...

Day 23- "I Believe"

She will succeed in the Navy even though I know it has been rough to be gone Thanksgiving week, which councides with the five year anniversary of her mother. ❤️you NW!!!!

Day 22- "Pray"

Some do. Some don't. Don't judge. Seems those most likely to judge tend to be the ones who pray. Makes sense? Not so much.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 21- "First Snow"

'Twas the day before Thanksgiving...

Day 20- "Forgiveness"

Why do I do it so easily? Because if some people hadn't offered it to me in the past ten years I don't know where I and my children would be today. Try it, especially if it involves forgiving yourself. There are two things I will probably never forgive myself for but I will do everything in my power to make it better and ensure that nothing like it ever happens  again, Acceptance and making positive changes is the next best thing. Life is too short...the song "The Heart of the Matter" says it all.

"Joy Springs"- Day 19

Nothing like being able to tell one of your BFFs who is battling cancer that with the help of the team you both work with you hit a new high goal in his honor. I knew he set a lower team goal this year because he was too sick to raise the money himself. Love that we as a team did it together & I know it made his day not only because we did it for him but also because he and I are so personally embedded in this fight , and we both believe in our hearts that you never know which dollar might fund the answer. 

"Blanket"- Day 18

Those nights where your world is blanketed with snow and the only thing you have to do is stay in with someone you love, eat a fantastic home cooked comfort meal,just chill together... precious & few!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Discretion"- Day 17

I despise that I despise business trips; the lack of sleep on my part before and during doesn't help. All I can do is wake and
hope and move through the days until they are over, hoping discretion isn't needed. I keep thinking the trips will get easier despite the past, but it isn't. Very afraid I am out of sight, out of mind. People have no idea, and he has no idea how hard or some of the associations in my head that I can't shake, pretty haunting. 

"I haven't"`- Day 16

...seen such an articulately and truthfully written article (actually, a blog post turned into an article) in a long time. What was crazy was that the children talked about had no names and faces, but I had them throughout reading the post, and of the crying parents too. People have no idea.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Hearth"- Day 15

We happened to make a coffee stop today and it was in this shopping center we had only been to once, about 2 1/2 years ago, and he said, "and we got that picture of all of us taken right there." They are my home no matter where they are. Sometimes the photos are bittersweet, as they are before certain problems/after certain problems and can be classified; this one was 
pre-leukemia, about six months before the diagnosis, and one can't help but wonder if it was there. xo

"Trust"- Day 14 of the most precious things in the world between two humans in any relationship. 

"Eloquence"- Day 13

Have you had the pleasure of listening to any of Kid President's speeches? If not, you should. He is contagious; witty, smart, yet still a kid.

Day 12- "Memory"

My grandmother, mother, aunt, me, and my sister, circa 1974, picking peas at my grandmother's. Precious memories.

Day 11- "Discordant"

Day 10- "Pleasure"

The part about being a mom that comes with the job- making dinner, driving to school, picking up from practice...I am so grateful to be able to get to do a lot of that for my son, and he thanks me multiple times daily.  He tells me I don't have to make him dinner or he's sorry I have to drive him. He has no idea it is my pleasure, and in two and a half years it will be over as part of my daily life. He is one of my pleasures!

"The Still House"- Day 9

The old days when they were home; nowadays they can be home but everyone can be consumed with homework, catching up with sleep, technology...very full but often very still.

Day 8- "Eclipse"

I still remember the song that was on after my first breakup, after the MHS varsity football game when I got into the car with my friend Amy...Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart." It was a heart wrenching song for me for years...and of course, he is a doctor now!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Fallen"- Day 7

Day 6- "Blue"

He never fails to make me proud! 

Day 5- "Heart Comes Loose"

"Song"- Day 4

Choose any, he is brilliant beyond words. I can't wait to see him at the symphony in four weeks!

Day 3- "Harmony"

No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.


"Veil"- Day 2

on the surface he
seems honorable, sincere
is it just a veil?

"Light a Candle"- Day 1, Month 11

We never think that we will be called into action because something affects one of our own, let alone several. Blood cancer has done that for me; the fear of losing a child is real to me every single day but I don't say a word. I'm grateful to those who walked with me & who donated!

"Hidden"- Day 31

Beneath the makeup of an 18 year old celebrating her last Halloween before leaving for the military lies a brave girl who has had to grow up far too quickly & has already experienced ultimate fears. My heart is with her and my door is always open, I just wish I could have done more. I have no doubt she will find success!

Day 30- "Dirge"