Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"It Was a Dream"- Day 9

People seem surprised when I tell them I passed my FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Praxis...I guess that is not what they see me teaching. People seem surprised I want to go "back to the classroom,"  but I never left the the classroom to get out of the classroom- I left because I loved mentoring teachers and a position was created that sounded fascinating. For a while there I considered administration, and completed the certification, but didn't want it bad enough to pursue any and all openings and in our county that is what is expected; I also am not trying to work 12 hour days.  It never happened for me and that was ok.
For the past four years I kept telling my daughter, "I want to be Mrs. X when I grow up," speaking of her FACS/CD teacher in high school.  The more I read about passion, hope, and engagement I realized I can be that, and went the Praxis route only because I have a Master's and an additional certification, I don't need more degrees to do a great job.  Finding a job, even with some great recommendations, is going to be near impossible because of the fact I am coming from elementary, but it won't stop me from trying.  Teaching Child Development at the high school level has always been a dream,so this year I decided to add the certification, and it would be such a great way to find a change and do something I am passionate about as I finish out my career.  At the high school level there aren't many FACS positions open, as many are moving toward more STEM related courses.  I agree and disagree- I think we have so many kids growing up in households that lack someone teaching them all of the basic skills for cooking, caring for others and themselves, managing money...I am just not sure how that will work out.  Maybe we will have a STEM successful generation that eats out and has housekeepers and accountants.  Doesn't mean I won't keep pursuing it, there are a few left out there.

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