Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Day 29-"All the Possibilities" & Day 30- "Looking Forward"
All I seem to do is homework for my two classes. Read. Write. Read. Write. Repeat. What keeps me going is the possibility that I could have a shot at the job I want- it would definitely be passion and career colliding. I ask myself how can I go at this pace for six and a half more weeks, but think of who I may get to help and ask myself how can I not?
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Day 27- "Shadow"
Like a shadow the father watched, overwhelmed at the generosity & unsure what to do. Humble enough to accept help from strangers but gracious enough to help as needed and able. Hoping the family moves out of he shadows of despair & into laughter soon.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Day 25- "Seek Peace"
From my family to my friends, from the generosity of others to the oooortunities I've been blessed with, I am able to live with peace in my heart. I've had times I'm far from proud of but have had family & friends who never gave up on me & who have made me a better person. I try to live my life with forgiveness & compassion because you don't know what someone is going through - just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they are ok. The older I get the more I'm drawn to helping others & ising my time in ways to benefit them. Yes I'm college mom broke but I still want for nothing, I'll be ok; I just want others to feel some security too. Here are a few of the reasons I have peace in my life daily(besides the fact I choose it- you always have two choices as to how to react...)...
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
"Count Your Blessings"- Day 24
Love this girl & hate that she is struggling - mono in boot camp=not fun or easy. At a time she wants mom that's not even an option, as mom passed away five years ago. I would go to the ends of the earh for her & can't wait until not camp is over so I can go see her and give her the hug I know she so badly wants and needs. I'm so grateful that I am a source of security for her; I can't replace her mother, I can just do what she would have done & what I would want done for my own daughter.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Day 23- "Joyful"
It's hard to feel with a child in the hospital. However, an email from a co- worker about a thank you from a parent was the highlight of my day. I could spend all of 2015 ranting & writing about how jacked up some things are for some of our students. What I can do is wish a joyful break to my co-workers who without a doubt work harder & give more by nature of the school we chose to work at, & until you spend a year doing it you will never understand the layers of complexity under and overlying your job to teach all of these children.
"Hello Winter"- Day 20
Key root word here might be hell...what was I thinking when I did two full online grad classes at the same time? This is my winter- reading & when I finish that reading some more & when I finish that watching videos then more reading and writing. The courses are super interesting but APA formatting may be the death of me!
"All Wrapped Up"- Day 21
Christmas is bittersweet for us. My mother is one of nine. In 2000 when my grandmother got cancer she knew it was likely her last Christmas. The one thing she wanted was everyone down in NC for Christmas & for our large family to come together in fellowship as often as possible. She got her wish that Christmas; surrounded by family singing hymns throughout the morning she quietly passed away on Christmas Day. We got down there about two hours later. It was a night with family to be remembered. To my mother- she is the best & I hate that this memory clouds Christmas for her every year, but she goes above & beyond for all just like always.
Day 19- "Shine a Light"
Who doesn't love this peacefulness at Christmas? My only wish is it would fit into the room where we spend the most time, but it doesn't, & it's not my biggest problem - I'm beyond fortunate, even on the tough days. & even if it's a little crooked at the top - too many years of me being too short to put it up correctly most likely- even my tall guy barely could reach (9' didn't look so big in the store, & I wasn't thinking about having 9' ceilings).
Day 18- "Snowglobe"
No one likes when their child is sick, but when they have an infection that leaves the hospitalized for four days minimum- we will know more tomorrow morning- it is scary. Your child is fighting for his life. Human error that doesn't usually happen at this hospital, we are talking in the United States one of the best, has happened twice, one of which caused this. Our first Christmas together as we became a family my mother gave us a set of snowglobe ornaments with each person's name; she has welcomed them all wholeheartedly into our family- that's who she is. I'm hoping that tomorrow morning's blood culture is clear- if not it's another 24 hrs each time it isn't.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
"Quilt"- Day 17
I could think of my family as one- different parts planned but some by happenstance - none by accident. I feel guilty I didn't do enough grad school work this weekend but there's time for that this week. Instead I made soaps & scrubs & cookies with the girls, went driving with my son, wrapped & cleaned & got us "together," watched football with my son & just got to be a mom I realize there aren't many more holiday seasons with my daughter home with me, so I plan to give her all I have when it comes to time together. My family keeps me warmer than any quilt xo.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Day 16 - "Baby it's Cold Outside"
...which is why I will be taking a shower & putting on clean pjs. Lockdown mode to do homework & make cookies, wrap, put away clothes, do some little projects...it's going to be a two day event. No other choice after an exhausting week that bordered on being a comedy of errors! I am grateful for my co-workers who never stop short of "whatever it takes," which often is s sense of humor and goodwill!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Day 15- "Late Afternoon Light"
I'm sticking with the daydream theme on this one- memories of one of our best dinner dates ever that started here...
And ended here...best pizza date ever xo.
Day 13- "Silver"
Make new friends~But keep the old~One is silver and the other's gold." If you sang along, you get it, if you didn't, I'm sorry...it is a generational thing xo.
"Something Old"- day 12
I feel like I should say "myself"- I'm just trying to do too much but I watch others with fewer resources than I do it every day. So, I'm doing a repeat post, one of my most treasured items, the heart shaped rock in the shiniest gold box my son could find- it's amazing that it still epitomizes who he is today.
"Illuminate"- Day 11
The mini stockings we all looked forward to every year, but I think my grandmother looked forward to giving them out even more! You got your $50 each year and handed them back in, you only got $10 if you were a soon to be in law, until married. They are a prized "ornament" on our tree now that she is gone.
"Should| Shouldn't" - Day 10
This was my quick easy dessert thanks to one of those ice cream freezers where you keep the canister frozen, and when you are ready to use it you toss everything in, plug it in, then wait. I stumbled upon it when cleaning out the freezer after a Costco run. I found a three ingredient recipe- plain Greek yogurt (my "should"), sugar (my "shouldn't"), & vanilla. So good...I will work on decreasing the sugar and adding in frozen fruit the next time I dig it out...no promises.
"Bright"- Day 9
We lucked into the bright shiny Christmas tree in the lobby of our hotel, where I was able to get a few shots of two of our girls all dressed up and ready to head to the symphony!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Day 7- "Baubles"
So happy that my creative passion got nurtured (& can't wait for classes to be over so I can make more!) & in selling them I donated over $340 to LLS! Look out next year, this was a trial run!
Day 6- "Wish Upon a Star"
I never could have imagined or wished this family...& my wish is we make time for each other always, & carry each other through the hard times & celebrate the good times together.
Day 5- "What Haunts You"
He knows, and he's the only one who needs to, and as long as he's compassionate when I get spooked we will be ok.
"Morning Ritual"- Day 4
If I don't have that peaceful ten minutes with our coffee with him my morning just isn't complete- it is a part of my serenity. & my sanity <3.
Day 3- "Mirror Mirror"
He looks nothing like me...but he is my personality mirror & probably kinder to me than anyone else on this earth. 💛so lucky to have him!
Day 2- "Slant of Light"
Meet Meatball, who is more the size of a meatloaf...cute as long as he stays in his own home and wrapped so he won't mess on me!
Month 12- Day 1- 11 Days Late- "Make a List"
That moment you get the text from Verizon Wireless saying you are over on data for the second time this billing cycle so you pull the stats & the list by line says it all...teenagers...
Day 29- "Annointed"
Is this funny? Yes. Is it fair? I don't think so. The pressure on a 24 year old is unreal, regardless of money. Maybe the recruits should have a three year cap on how much they earn, during their learning period.
Day 28- "Hush"
The challenge of two grad classes at the same time? Tons of reading and writing, all interesting, and "he" wants his BFF & Just. Can't. Hush. So, it's a constant monologue while I try to work. Waiting for the day my response has to do with whatever he's rambling on about. Love him though 💜!
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