Blurring either the forefront or background of photos is a skill I am working on, and was the reason I purchased my last lens. To say I want to upgrade lenses is an understatement, but unfortunately it isn't a priority financially. Until then, I will play and practice and build a portfolio. I would love to take a class, in my spare time :/...until then, it is a lot of trial and error and reading online.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Day 28- "Autumnal Dawn"
Yes, I am going ahead, but trust me, by mid-week I will be behind. I really should call it "Prompt #" vs. "Day #!"
"Prism" - Day 27
I am pretty sure I am one of the few who remembers the Prism "Beat Street" album and still has it in her collection...all for one dramatic 80's ballad that I had almost forgotten about until I saw the prompt today was "Prism..."
Day 26- "Crescendo"
If a crescendo is a gradual increase in intensity, then I can say that many of the trees I got to photograph at Watkins Glen were reaching theirs.
Day 25- "Tomorrow"
The best part of Saturdays in the fall is that I always am looking forward to tomorrow, as it is football Sunday in our house and I love to feed the family, all hang out in the same room, just chill. The downfall is work coming in the next tomorrow, but somehow these Sundays make that less stressful the night before. <3
Day 24- "Undertow"
On this particular date I take this word so differently. Undertow means "an implicit quality, emotion, or influence underlying the superficial aspects of something and leaving a particular impression" according to October 24, 1987, I lost someone close to our family, and it was the night I grew up immediately. I don't know why it is not only something I never got over, but is also one of two things that can bring me to tears out of nowhere. I feel it and see it so deeply...the people, the weather, the call...knew down to the day when my own daughter had outlived her and was grateful she did; I cannot fathom how her parents not only went on but have endured over the years. 27 years later, feels like last year sometimes. For the longest time I would have dreams that I found her, she was just lost and no one knew it, and I would bring her home. I still would do anything to be able to take away the pain and loss of that night, and wonder what life would have been like for myself, her family, my family and our friends if that night hadn't happened.
Day 22- "Demure"
It doesn't describe anyone in my family, across multiple generations...that is all I can say! Interestingly the one who was most so has become less so since her husband passed, she lives a much more active and outgoing life now. I am glad that today most women don't have to concede to a man and be what they aren't in their marriage, at least not here in the USA. I read about things that go on in other countries is just so backwards.
Day 21- "Otherwordly"
I was happy to see that Watkins Glen State Park made it to a recent list of "Places in America You Need to See Before You Die." I totally agree, words and pictures can't begin to describe the feeling you get, like you are hunting for the crystal skull. At one point if you go on the right path and take a little side path up you all of a sudden come up to an unexpected cemetery, so beautiful. It is one of those that has uniqueness vs. every headstone looking the same. It just enhanced the experience and contributed to the overwhelming otherworldly feeling you get when hiking the gorge.
Day 20- "Twilight"
"The twilight sky turns from bright blue to purple as the sun meets the water in an explosion of hot pink clouds."- Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani. This is the last I hadn't read of every book she has written, and I am stretching it. By the end of every book I feel like I know the characters, her writing style and ability is envious and becomes more apparent when you follow one of her books with that of another less skilled author. Looking forward to the first movie based on one of her novels, releasing soon!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
"Flawed" Day 18
Why when we are the only one who looks a certain way do we see ourselves as flawed, when in actuality we may be the most alive of them all?
"Soften" - Day 17
One of the things I am practicing with is the same photo, different settings, so that I can better learn what each does. Here is one where it was clear...the soft vs. clarity with the change of one setting. So much to learn!
"Constellation"- Day 15
My north star who guides me and brings me home, my universe who sustains me as part of my family, my Gemini dream who exemplifies the twins and that are very different than the twins I exemplify so in reality we could be any of 4 possibilities together at any one time...keeps it from getting boring!
"Collective Whisper" - Day 14
What they all do when they won't just ask you to your face or say it to your face because in reality they know it isn't their business...
Day 13- "Lullaby "
When I had my first child Linda Ronstadt just happened to release a cd of lullabies-all classic songs, most original Rock & Roll style. Being as she is my favorite I stood 8 1/2 mos pregnant for two hours to get it autographed- it became my most played cd to this date. My daughter had colic to the max, so I'd play the cd & sing & walk & rock- it brought ME sanity- not sure if it did a thing for her! It has been my baby gift to many in my generation, but I don't think today's generation would get why it was special to begin with & now is even more precious.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Day 12- "Sway"
Let us hope the vote sways in our favor on election day...the insanity surrounding the incumbent's decisions will be felt for years to come.
Day 11- "Ritual"
This girls comes home from college in two weeks and all she wants is to spend time with her mom, brother, and me and the my two kids. Family to a time when she wanted her freedom so badly, her only request for when she came home was to spend this time together. We are ready! So grateful that our children recognize the rituals to to them embody home, no matter where, when or what.
Day 10- "I Spy"
3 generations of strong women who don't get to spend enough time together...I see my mother's traditions, attitudes and expectations very alive in myself as a mother, and coming out in my daughter as she turns into an adult, and couldn't be happier. So blessed.
"Languid"- Day 9
Languid...that is my son every day after practice; he has to work as hard as he can to build strength and show his coaches what he can do. He feels he has to work twice as hard to be seen, and yet will acknowledge to me he is rarely seen. We see it at home how much stronger he is in a year. Then, he comes home and tackles homework- sometimes gets straight A's on top of it all. He has learned to manage his time and prioritize so he he is successful (but of course he makes xBox time too...he is 16 after all). To top it off, he rarely complains. He has no idea that the qualities he has developed as a result of no play time and 100% dedication will last a lifetime and take him so far someday.
"Shiver"- Day 6
Another night of shivering at a football game as fall just gets colder; my son tries hard and is so dedicated but rarely gets in for even a play, spends hours at practice and hours on the sideline. You will always know which one he is- he is cheering the loudest and is the one walking up and down the sideline patting teammates on the back and cheering them on. He never gives up hope, and never gives less than 100% at practices. My admiration for him is huge; I have parents tell me all of the time their kids wouldn't do that, would have quit. Yes, of course he wants to play, badly in fact, but he knows he doesn't have the experience. He wants the chance but knows in the middle of close game it isn't the time, and doesn't want to do that to his team. He would do anything for his team...he radiates the meaning of team sport. People also say it is a lot of time shivering and giving up to watch your child do nothing since he doesn't play; my son has come to show me that actually I am watching the kid who does everything, it just isn't something that most people even see.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
"Pearl"- Day 5
What is the pearl of wisdom you wish you had grasped long before you did? Maybe "Do unto others...?" "This to shall pass?""Family first?" So many if I had time to reflect. And, as I think, I hear my mother's voice every time.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
"Exhale"- Day 4
A rainy Saturday, just him, nothing we have to do, a few things we want to do. Dinner out that I can justify because I bought a certificate through a school fundraiser. The mental break I needed. Only not responding to emails from two people til Monday. I was busy exhaling, sorry I couldn't get back to you. What is your excuse for never getting back to me or anyone? Exhaling all week? Grrrrr. Exhale. Drink coffee. Kiss him. Pin things. Plan weekend away in two weeks. Peace xo.
Cyclical- Day 3
Relationships. They can go through their good times, their bad times, their really good times, their really bad times. Then there are those times that for whatever reason you fall more in love with each other, and it is obvious. No explanation one can think of, one probably feeds off of the other, and maybe there is an explanation but one is too closed off to verbally express why, he (we will call it "he" haha) shows it in every way he can. You are left hoping it is sincere, hoping it isn't a cover or redemption for a wrong you don't know about, hoping it will be a cycle that will forever be a part of growing old together, where you accept each others' aging, physical, mental and emotional changes, and challenges from children to work to life. I don't know why he is there right now, but I know what I hope.
Day 2-"Flicker"
Every week I get something like this from my college girl, giving me a flicker of belief that she still needs mom; it also makes me realize things I didn't think I needed to teach her but obviously did.
Friday, October 3, 2014
"Nostalgia"- Month 10, Day 1
I will forever treasure the heart shaped rock my son put in the prettiest box he could find when he was about 3 or 4 years old, it is without a doubt one of my most prized possessions and is indicative of the sweet soul that he is, even at age 16.
Day 30- "Surrender..."
& until I get that job I surrender to the politics, complexities & treatable but constantly exacerbated conundrums that has become my days...
Day 29- "Sometimes I Dream"
& in it I go to work somewhere I believe in 100% every day, challenged & appreciated, paid for the work I do & doing the work I'm paid for by job description. Yeah, for now it's a dream...
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