Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"I Write..."~ Day 29

I write to say, "I wonder what my daughter wrote that helped her to win the Tyler Dane Murray Memorial Scholarship?!?"  So proud of her.  In reading about him the situation is ironically eerie to one that profoundly affected my life when I was not much older than he was, and I am so proud that his parents see her as worthy of this generous support toward her studies at Towson next year, and I am heartbroken for them that they never got to spend it on their own son's education.  It is even more flattering that she was selected out of a pool of thousands by former UHS parents and they see her as worthy of representing UHS.  I write to say I am so blessed, grateful and humbled by the selflessness they show in choosing a yearly recipient. And, I apparently write a day late!
Tyler Dane Murray Scholarship

Monday, April 28, 2014

"Don't Blink"- Day 28

...because they go from 0 to graduating from high school while you do...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

"Sundays are..."- Day 27

Furniture upcycle/ re-do to make a jewelry "box" for <$25, family dinner with double birthday celebration, all in all great day :)!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 26- "2 p.m."

Ready for a 2 p.m. like this & not sitting in or preparing for a meeting!

"Wake Laughing"- Day 25, Month 4...late but still here!

There are two things I can count on in my job- constant urgency & that no matter what mood I might be in, usually due to the stress of not enough time to meet the needs if all how I would like to, someone there will make me laugh within the first 45 minutes of the day. Right about them the coffee is kicking in & I am waking up...laughing,  It helps get me going in the morning!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 24- "All that Glitters"

Had every intention of getting this posted last night but their final dance literally left me (&much of the audience) in tears & speechless. This year's "Dance for Change" recital raised money for Alzheimer's & highlighted tragic facts about the disease as well as the effects on caregivers as they care for someone who is there but not my daughter showed such poise & grace talking to a full auditorium & clearly did a great job planning. I also saw testment to how successful she's been in her kindergarten internship when we cooperating teacher came & when at the door there was a kindergartener literally jumping up & down waiting to see her come out. All that  glitters clearly isn't gold...beautiful job Urbana HS National Honor Society & students!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 23..."Feathers"

Ever have a day where you are just left speechless by things said or done to you?  Yeah, I'm there, so I made it to day 23 but inspiration is so far away I couldn't begin to find it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Throes of Spring...Day 22

In the throes of spring, when most seniors are thinking pretty much about themselves- prom, graduation, beach week, college...this group of UHS students put on a "Senior-Senior Prom" at a local senior center.  I was excited when looking through the many candid photos, as it was clear how engaged and engaging the students were, with it often being a challenge to decipher who was having more fun!  I'm proud to say my daughter was a part of planning and capturing it, and I have been so impressed with her love of dance for fun, and the friends she has made over the past four years.

Monday, April 21, 2014

"Something Changed"- Day 21

What a timely topic as teachers and children all over the east coast area  head to school on "Easter Monday" for probably the first time ever since I was even a student myself...something changed because of too many snow days... and I count down 35 days left and just breathe.  Then I think of the Boston Marathon today and what the families of the victims from last year must feel today, something unimaginable changed, and I realize I am lucky we are all here to go to school today, and I hope it is a peaceful day for all.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Two-fer...Day 19- "A Sunny Spot" and Day 20- Rise

Missed yesterday with good reason, spent the entire day with family preparing for and celebrating my parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary, NC style.  Was technology free most of the day...yet so glad that because of technology- basically Facebook- I "see" this family all of the time, it definitely keeps us closer and more connected.

My sunny spot was getting to spend so much time with my family, I wish we all lived closer, even the family here.  Real life and kids at different ages and stages make it hard to spend enough time together.  It rained much of the party, which really put a damper on some of the outdoor fun like picnic tables, white twinkly lights, and bales of  hay around the fire pit.  My dad worked so hard to prepare...but I think a good time was still had by all even if it meant jackets and most of the party indoors.  My dad inherited his grandmother's house and has spent a lot of time the past couple of years fixing it, updating it, making it a place for he and my mom to stay when they go down there.  They are able to go more often now, as their stream of grandchildren for daycare has slowed down.  We thought a country house party was the perfect way to celebrate, as that is where it started for them and most of the guests, out in the country outside of Grantham, N.C.  My kids got to meet my mom's best friend from high school, which was a treat.

As for "rise..."- ever spend a Sunday on I-95 N?  In particular on a holiday that is the last day of spring break for pretty much all northerners thanks to our snowy winter?  I have had the, we got the kids up and were on the road at 6:45, so grateful they pulled it together (I mean, all they had to do was wake, brush teeth, eat a bit and get into the car, ideally without talking much since it was so early).  We made it home in record time- 4.5 hours (we thought the 5 down was good, but home bound was one gas/bathroom stop, and no stops for the boys' car).  So happy to spend the afternoon at home doing nothing.  Would love to get a pedicure if they are open but there is no way I am putting in the effort to drive two minutes, not leaving this couch except to eat and go to bed!  Dinner is one I can hardly take credit for, but I will...leftovers of this recipe (below)- you would be surprised how well it freezes, and tastes with chips!  Comfort food!  Hint- you may need to add a little chicken broth if it is too thick after defrosting; I think mine was thick because I froze it with rice in the same bag, so freezing it alone is probably recommended.  However, we had "Scoops" chips so the thickness worked well for us.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Sacrifice - Day 18

I sometimes think giving her the independence that she wants is a bigger sacrifice than motherhood has ever been...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Home" - Day 17

Have never lived here but it's where my parents are from & where all my "kin" are, give or take 40 miles...spending the weekend here - something about it all is "home," but "home" is also with three of my guys at the hotel.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Places" - day 14

Facing fears & demons & moving forward...the things we hide from others...

Day 15- "Gathering"

A cause near & dear to my heart in honor of some special people...hope people will see this & join the team &/or contribute! xo

Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Dare to Hope"- Day 13

Embarking on an overnight tomorrow that I will just say has been less than easy for me to try...sometimes things happen beyond our control and the memories/associations with certain places become overwhelming, they turn into dark places you never want to see in any way.  I'm finally ready for this one, and I hope he is too, and that the only memories left the next day will be of he and I and the fun we had...sometimes I feel I love him too much. I am not sure who needs to be stronger to go here, but I hope it is him, & that he is ready not because of compartmentalization or mind erasing or pretending mentally certain times didn't exist, but because he loves me and wants to go forward anywhere and everywhere in life, without looking back, and with just me.  I think he is.  

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"This Good Earth"- Day 12

With spring finally here and Easter around the corner I have to do another throwback...Easter in the 70s, North Carolina style, every year.  I wonder it my mom would make me a new cape, but black velvet on one side, maybe navy velvet on the other...but a really big cape!  Back to Easter...and why I think "This Good Earth..."~every year we went to NC for Easter, even after my own children were born.  One of the things I remember is that no matter what time of year it was there were flowers blooming, green trees, and plenty of spots for  us to pose in our Easter frocks!  There are also a lot of great places down there to hide some Easter Eggs, as long as you aren't worried about what might come out of the whole with the egg!

"Nothin But Blue Skies"~ Day 11 (yeah I know I am late...)

We were so lucky as kids,, and I cannot deny basically having an idyllic middle class upbringing in the 70s, where blue skies meant out and about on bikes with baskets (of course someone had to have the same one).  Must've been a good year for the Redskins too!  I wish sometimes that I could have raised my children in a single family home so that they could have some things that they couldn't in a townhouse...a swing set, lots of room of their own to run, log piles to turn into stagecoaches.  I guess the good thing is they learned early to get along with others, take turns and be considerate of those around you, especially the littler kids.  It was just a different time even then; the generation out on the playground now is unsupervised (I am talking kids 3 years old with no parent except the occasional yell out the door) who are rude to each other and to other neighbors (you had better watch out if you are unloading groceries and some of them want to come thorough on their bikes...there are three with some manners and a dozen with none); I don't at all understand sending your kids outside at that age unsupervised.  Oh, and it is illegal.  Police have been called but it doesn't change anything.  Next call will be CPS, so that these kids maybe stay safe enough to have their own idyllic childhood with blue skies.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

"The Right Answer" -Day 10

People see us/him or hear about some of his personality traits & are shocked we are together, yet somehow he is definitely the right answer for me...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"It Was a Dream"- Day 9

People seem surprised when I tell them I passed my FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Praxis...I guess that is not what they see me teaching. People seem surprised I want to go "back to the classroom,"  but I never left the the classroom to get out of the classroom- I left because I loved mentoring teachers and a position was created that sounded fascinating. For a while there I considered administration, and completed the certification, but didn't want it bad enough to pursue any and all openings and in our county that is what is expected; I also am not trying to work 12 hour days.  It never happened for me and that was ok.
For the past four years I kept telling my daughter, "I want to be Mrs. X when I grow up," speaking of her FACS/CD teacher in high school.  The more I read about passion, hope, and engagement I realized I can be that, and went the Praxis route only because I have a Master's and an additional certification, I don't need more degrees to do a great job.  Finding a job, even with some great recommendations, is going to be near impossible because of the fact I am coming from elementary, but it won't stop me from trying.  Teaching Child Development at the high school level has always been a dream,so this year I decided to add the certification, and it would be such a great way to find a change and do something I am passionate about as I finish out my career.  At the high school level there aren't many FACS positions open, as many are moving toward more STEM related courses.  I agree and disagree- I think we have so many kids growing up in households that lack someone teaching them all of the basic skills for cooking, caring for others and themselves, managing money...I am just not sure how that will work out.  Maybe we will have a STEM successful generation that eats out and has housekeepers and accountants.  Doesn't mean I won't keep pursuing it, there are a few left out there.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 8- "Coffee|Tea"

The solitude of coffee in bed while he is in the shower & before everyone is up ...Maple Sleigh today. Ten mins. to check in with life before the craziness of the day sets in.

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Beauty is..."- Day 7

Love them more than they know- both so incredible & unfaltering in their strength & humility. x           o

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 6- "Sunny Side Up"

Today was just what we needed - the first sunny Sunday where it wasn't too chilly & there was nothing so important it couldn't him & that he takes me riding!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Month 4, Day 5~ "Hello, Morning"

In the morning
when the sun
is just starting to light the day
I am awakened
    and my first thoughts are of you!

At night
I stare at the dark trees
 silhouetted against the quiet stars
I am entranced
into a complete peacefulness
 and my last thoughts
are of you

by Susan Polis Schutz

Best part of the weekend already here...he is home after what felt like an eternity.  The strength and willpower of military wives and husbands and those who have lost their spouse/significant other is incredible, because I have no place in this world to complain.  But, I am grateful each day I am home with him and I know how lucky we are.

Friday, April 4, 2014

"Coming Up Green"

Just can't wait to see him...& hoping for a night or two away over spring break...this picture is a reminder of a great afternoon & it's about as creative as I'm gonna get tonight...& the drink is green...& had I puked it up it probably would've been green but luckily it didn't happen. It was our intro to Cuban food that night- which is what I'm cooking for him tomorrow when he gets home. 

"A Hand to Hold"

Love my boy...& proud of him in so many ways- I will hold his hand thru anything & I know he would do the same for me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 2..."Whisper"

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly can and do shout at unicorns.” 
― Jarod KintzWho Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your Life

I wasn't sure where to start with today's prompt, so I tried a search with the words "whisper quote" and found multiple ones from this guy...most are funny, not for the conservatives.  This made me think of myself and my approach at life and work...I know sometimes when those unicorns come at me I shout and do not stutter...but I love the unicorns who dare to be different.  If that pointy cone thing on their head only came with a button so you could turn the amount of unicorn vs. horse up and down as needed...there definitely comes a time in your life when you realize it is better to at least wear a hat over it today.  Peace!